Jon Raybould
Fresh ideas in flute music
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Feel the electricity with this highly-charged piece for flute and backing track ...

Yes, I've gone totally bananas!
This piece is fast , frenetic and pulsating....

I had fun creating the wacky backing track and composing the highly syncopated rhythms....

There is no piano part, just play along to the backing track.

I've created three versions -
Easier, Medium, and Harder.
Plug yourself in and enjoy!
Jon Raybould

Fresh ideas in flute music
Did you know?

Key moments in electricity discovery:
600 BC
A Greek named Thales discovered that amber, when rubbed with silk, attracted feathers and other light objects. This is static electricity. The Greek word for amber is 'electron', which is where the word 'electricity' came from.

Benjamin Franklin, a famous U.S. politician, proved that lightning is a form of electricity by flying a kite with a metal tip into a thunderstorm.

An Italian man named Luigi Galvani discovered that when he touched a dead frog's leg with a knife, it twitched violently. Later, Alessandro Volta showed that this was because electricity is created when moisture (from the frog) comes into contact with two different types of metal (the steel knife and a tin plate), then electricity is created.
Listen (HARDER version):
Alessandro Volta created the very first simple battery using pure silver and zinc discs, placed between muslin which was dampened with a salt solution. This was developed from Galvani's experiment with the frog's legs.

Michael Faraday discovered that when a magnet is moved inside the coil of a copper wire, a tiny electric current flows through the wire. This discovery led to the invention of electric motors.

To download the flute and piano score,

Flute parts only with free backing track.
Three difficulty levels (hardest, medium and easier) in one download:
$4 (£3.49)